CV9 Activity Busses
These daily activity busses transport students from CV9 to the high school for clubs and athletics. There are four activity busses which are located immediately outside of the exit doors near the gymnasium. If you are a member of a JV or High School sport, you will be assigned to one of the 4 activity busses during your season. This information will be shared at the start of the season and you will not need to sign up for the CV9 activity bus.
If you are participating in a club, activity or off season training for a sport at the high school, you must sign up to ride the CV9 Activity bus each day you plan to ride. The CV9 Activity Bus Sign Up google form is posted in all classrooms, main office, on the activities bulletin board and on Schoology. YOU WILL RIDE BUS # 332 or # 345 which will be located immediately outside of the gym doors when you exit the building. This form must be submitted by 2:00 PM on the day you plan to ride the Activity bus to CVHS and operates Monday through Friday. If you need a ride home from the high school, you must complete the CVHS Activity Bus to Home google form which is described below.
CVHS Activity Busses
There are four activity busses, one for each township, which transports students from CVHS to home. These busses operate Monday through Thursday (not Friday).
If a student needs transportation home from the high school, they are REQUIRED to sign up no later than 12:00 pm on the day they wish to ride the bus. The google form to sign up for the activity bus is posted in the classrooms, main office, on the club & activities bulletin board as well as on Schoology. Students should report directly to the bus loop lobby at the high school when their activity has ended. The busses depart at 4:30 pm! All students who board an activity bus must also present a pass from their supervising teacher/staff member.